B&F replaced over 20,000 LF of 6 to 12-inch DIP, including approximately 16,900 LF of 6-inch DIP, 3,000 LF of 8-inch DIP, and 2,600 LF of 12-inch DIP water main. Waterline appurtenances included 34 fire hydrants and 400 services in residential and arterial street locations. Additionally, B&F replaced 6,590 SY of asphalt paving, 72,000 SY of slurry and micro-seal, and installed a 24-inch steel casing and waterline underneath the UPRR tracks. B&F utilized its slurry batch plant and concrete trucks to provide 80% of the project’s slurry, saving the owner $78,000.
B&F worked through many separate alignment issues due to inaccurate as-builts and GIS to keep the project on track and budget. Our team overcame railroad permitting conflicts relating to unforeseen utilities, realigned the water main on Van Buren, and coordinated with other City contractors to complete the installation and tie-over of more than 350 residential water services. Additionally, B&F worked with the City of Phoenix Streets Department to delay portions of the work to avoid heavy traffic closures and cost during the holiday season. B&F returned after the holiday season to complete the work on Van Buren and 27th Ave intersections.