City of Phoenix Historical Streetlight Restoration

B&F was commissioned by the City of Phoenix Historic Preservation Office to provide full design services for three National Register Historic Districts. B&F was responsible for an assessment which inventoried, categorized, and evaluated the 123 Historic Concrete and Metal Streetlights. The assessment also provided recommendations for preserving and repairing the streetlights. The construction phase restored […]
Old Nogales Interceptor Phase I and Phase III

Performing as the CMAR for RWRD, Borderland teamed with B&F in this multi-phase project to complete the installation of a sewer system. Phase 1: B&F installed 1,442 LF of a new 10-inch sewer line within Drexel Road, between Park Avenue and 1st Avenue. The project included a temporary bypass of the existing 18-inch sewer line […]
Layton Lakes Force Main Rehabilitation

This CMAR project involved the rehabilitation of over 25,000 LF of existing 14- and 18-inch cement-lined DIP force mains. Scope of work included the mixed-method repair and rehabilitation of 24,626 LF of existing parallel 14- and 18-inch cement-lined ductile iron pipe wastewater force mains using HDPE slip lining trenchless technology and open-cut replacement. B&F evaluated […]
North Rillito Interceptor Rehabilitation

Performing as the CMAR for Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department (RWRD), B&F Contracting rehabilitated over 53,000 LF of existing 15-inch through 36-inch sewer using CIPP, and new pipe. To facilitate this project more than 132,000 LF of large diameter HDPE pipe was fused, installed, and removed in order to manage existing sewer flows. Existing […]
Thomas Rd Transmission Main Rehabilitation

vercame design challenges due to insufficient as-built documents through early and thorough site investigations. B&F self-performed the installation of over 16,300 LF of HDPE slip lining using the close-fit trenchless method. This included over 8,520 LF of 30-inch SDR21 DIPS, and 7,780 LF of 36-inch SDR21 DIPS HDPE piping into existing 36-inch and 45-inch PCCP […]
Lift Station 40 Force Main Barrel 1 Rehabilitation Phase 1

This project won the AZ Water 2021 Wastewater System Project of the Year Award. B&F provided CMAR services to rehabilitate 3.1 miles of 24-inch DIP force main aligned on the west side of I-10 and W Ray Rd. The project included many tight corridors as it runs through the Arizona Grand Resort and ADOT ROW. […]
PVC-Lined Concrete Sewer Pipe and Manhole Rehabilitation

Based upon the condition assessment completed in 2017, the City of Phoenix contracted with B&F to identify and prioritize rehabilitation projects based on the severity of sewer pipeline and manhole defects. The report recommended rehabilitation of 71 sewer pipe segments, ranging from 27-inch to 60-inch, totaling ±44,000 feet at various locations within the City of […]
Western Canal Joint Owned Sewer Rehabilitation

This project was completed on the City of Tempe and Mesa Joint Sewer System that conveys the municipalities’ flows from each city to one of the largest wastewater facilities in the US, the 91st Avenue Wastewater Treatment Plant operated by the Sub Regional Operators Group (SROG) in Phoenix, Arizona. The project consisted of cleaning and […]
Osborn Parallel Sewer

B&F initiated two GMP’s to expedite this project for Scottsdale due to an adjacent reconstruction project starting in early 2021. The project involved the placement of a new, larger sewer main and the development of a custom structure to divert flow off the line to another adjacent line for additional options. B&F worked with the […]
Harrison St to Van Buren St and 31st Avenue to 27th Avenue

B&F replaced over 20,000 LF of 6 to 12-inch DIP, including approximately 16,900 LF of 6-inch DIP, 3,000 LF of 8-inch DIP, and 2,600 LF of 12-inch DIP water main. Waterline appurtenances included 34 fire hydrants and 400 services in residential and arterial street locations. Additionally, B&F replaced 6,590 SY of asphalt paving, 72,000 SY […]