PVC-Lined Concrete Sewer Pipe and Manhole Rehabilitation

Based upon the condition assessment completed in 2017, the City of Phoenix contracted with B&F to identify and prioritize rehabilitation projects based on the severity of sewer pipeline and manhole defects. The report recommended rehabilitation of 71 sewer pipe segments, ranging from 27-inch to 60-inch, totaling ±44,000 feet at various locations within the City of […]

Sub-Regional Operating Group (SROG) Salt River Outfall Interceptor Rehabilitation Project E

B&F completed the rehabilitation of 78 active sanitary sewer manholes and four structures identified with structural defect rating of Grade 3 by the 2014 SROG SRO Sanitary Sewer Condition Assessment report. They were located through the SRO alignment, including City of Phoenix ROW or easements, Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, ADOT, MCDOT, and City of […]

Western Canal Joint Owned Sewer Rehabilitation

This project was completed on the City of Tempe and Mesa Joint Sewer System that conveys the municipalities’ flows from each city to one of the largest wastewater facilities in the US, the 91st Avenue Wastewater Treatment Plant operated by the Sub Regional Operators Group (SROG) in Phoenix, Arizona. The project consisted of cleaning and […]

Mystic Lago Gravity Sewer

This multiple GMP project was negotiated through B&F’s Wet Utility JOC for the Town of Gilbert. The project scope is to tie-in a newly installed dual force main and install a new gravity sewer 360 LF 36-inch and 1,100 LF of 24-inch for increased capacity with 13 new Armorock manholes from 92- to 60- inch. […]

Osborn Parallel Sewer

B&F initiated two GMP’s to expedite this project for Scottsdale due to an adjacent reconstruction project starting in early 2021. The project involved the placement of a new, larger sewer main and the development of a custom structure to divert flow off the line to another adjacent line for additional options. B&F worked with the […]

Harrison St to Van Buren St and 31st Avenue to 27th Avenue

B&F replaced over 20,000 LF of 6 to 12-inch DIP, including approximately 16,900 LF of 6-inch DIP, 3,000 LF of 8-inch DIP, and 2,600 LF of 12-inch DIP water main. Waterline appurtenances included 34 fire hydrants and 400 services in residential and arterial street locations. Additionally, B&F replaced 6,590 SY of asphalt paving, 72,000 SY […]

Northwest Water/Wastewater Phase 3

B&F was selected to complete a section of the project from the tie-in point at North Valley Parkway to just east of Skunk Creek. 95% of the work was in an active roadway. We completed the installation of a new 30-inch sewer and 36-inch water that will supply the future TSMC plant. Project scope also […]

Miller and Osborn Waterline Improvements

The City of Scottsdale utilized its Wet Utility JOC to complete water main improvements at Miller and Osborn. This project required an aggressive schedule to accommodate the start of a federally funded project that involved the installation of a new roundabout at this same intersection. To expedite this project, B&F completed a plan review during […]

Dixileta 21-inch Sewer Line Extension

This project included the installation of 1352 LF feet of new 21” VCP in the future alignment of west bound Dixileta Parkway west from Upcountry Way as part of the future Trilogy West subdivision development. The scope of work also included the tie in to an existing 21” stub out at a depth of 26 […]
